Licensor of
Marine Engines

J-ENG is the world’s only global licensor of
marine low-speed diesel engines
that offers product development & design, manufacturing,
sales and after‐sales service.


Continuing development and research using our knowledge and
experience over a century to achieve ecological engines and
contribute to a sustainable society.

UE Engines
to the World

Many vessels in the world select UE Engines because of their fuel
efficiency, easy operation, reliability, compactness, and simple

UE Engine One of three world brands of low-speed marine diesel engine


UE Engine strengths have the highest standards of fuel efficiency, simple design, and easy operation system. Our original technology fully complies with the IMO’s NOx Tier Ⅲ regulations and is building a worldwide reputation among our customers.


Solution & Technology Realization of a decarbonized society
Research and development to create a better future

We continue to engage in research and development of such advanced technologies as Ammonia and hydrogen fueled engines to reduce GHG, IoT , CBM (Condition-Based Maintenance) and so on in addition to enhancement of such achieved technologies as
MGO mono-fuel engine UEC-LSJ and engines meeting Tier III regulation.


If you have any questions or comments, use the contact form below.

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