6 cyl. MET33MB
Description | Downlaod PDF/DXF/Zip | update |
Outline arrangement | PDF(560KB) DXF (4,185KB) | 2022/02/21 |
Platform arrangement | PDF(430KB) | 2022/02/21 |
Arrangement of pipe connection | PDF(1,567KB) | 2021/12/03 |
Piping diagram | PDF(862KB) | 2023/07/14 |
Arrangement of holding down bolt | PDF(239KB) | 2021/08/05 |
Arrangement of lub. oil outlet | PDF(104KB) | 2021/08/05 |
Arrangement of lub. oil outlet Driving end | PDF(459KB) | 2022/04/08 |
ALL-IN-ONE PACKAGE | Zip (4,177KB) | 2023/07/14 |
6 cyl. MET37MB
Description | Downlaod PDF/DXF/Zip | update |
Outline arrangement | PDF(537KB) DXF (3,295KB) | 2022/02/21 |
Platform arrangement | PDF(452KB) | 2022/02/21 |
Arrangement of pipe connection | PDF(1,275KB) | 2022/01/13 |
Piping diagram | PDF(862KB) | 2023/07/14 |
Arrangement of holding down bolt | PDF(239KB) | 2022/01/13 |
Arrangement of lub. oil outlet | PDF(104KB) | 2022/01/13 |
Arrangement of lub. oil outlet Driving end | PDF(459KB) | 2022/04/08 |
ALL-IN-ONE PACKAGE | Zip (4,036KB) | 2023/07/14 |
Common Drawings
Description | Download PDF/DXF/Zip | update |
Trust stopper assembly | PDF(2,179KB) | 2021/08/05 |
Details of coupling flange for thrust shaft | PDF(2,897KB) | 2021/08/05 |
ALL-IN-ONE PACKAGE | Zip(3,507KB) | 2021/08/05 |